On September 28, 2017, the 11th KFI Congress, held during the 10th National Kung fu Championships in Lucknow, approved the initiative to establish the first official World Kung fu Day(WKD) in 2019, in order that as many people as possible be able to come together to celebrate the Birth Day of the founder of Kung fu Sage “BODHIDHARMA” as BODHI DIVAS. WKD is celebrated each year on the Fifth Day of Lunar, Tenth Month and is accompanied by honouring a kung fu grand master as life time Achievement Award each time. As the leader of the nationwide Kung fu movement, the KFI is committed not only to pursuing Kung fu’s inclusion in the Olympic Program, but also to Kung fu becoming part of a globally shared, healthy lifestyle. Kung fu promotes the concepts of peace, friendship, health, and an appreciation for nature. We aim to raise global awareness of all practitioners, forms, and styles of kung fu, be those contemporary competition forms or traditional styles Kung fu promotes the concepts of Brotherhood, peace, friendship, health, & an appreciation for humanity and nature. KFI aim to raise global awareness of all practitioners, forms, and styles of Kung-Fu, be those contemporary competition forms or traditional styles.