.........."Master of the Flowing Fist"......... Poem By Mr. Kiran Samudrala.

"Master of the Flowing Fist" is a poetic tribute by "Kiran Samudrala" of Hyderabad Telangana, to the legendary Kung Fu master, Mr. Gyan Prakash Tripathi, of Lucknow city U.P. The poem captures the essence of his expertise, wisdom, and influence on his students. Through vivid imagery and rhythmic language, the poet paints a portrait of a martial arts master whose skills are matched only by his dedication to teaching and inspiring others. Master Gyan Prakash Tripathi's legacy is celebrated as a source of strength, knowledge, and inspiration that transcends time and continues to resonate in the hearts of those who follow in his footsteps.
Master of The Flowing Fist
In the heart of ancient arts he stands, Master of Kung Fu, skilled hands. Gyan Prakash Tripathi, a legend bold, Tales of his prowess, forever told. Swift as a falcon, strong as a bear, His wisdom flows like mountain air. In every move, a story untold, Each strikes a lesson, pure gold. Students flock to learn his grace, In his presence, find their place. Under his guidance, they grow strong, In the body and spirit, they belong. Ode to Master Gyan Prakash Tripathi, In the world of Kung Fu, a shining tree. His legacy forever will last, In the echoes of the past.