Mascot – 15th NKC 2024 LKO – State Animal – u. p.

State animal of Uttar Pradesh-Swamp deer(Barasingha)

Name of the State animal of Uttar Pradesh is Swamp deer. They prefer tall grasslands and open habitats. They found in swampland and a variety of forest types ranging from dry to moist deciduous to evergreen.The weight of male Barasingha is between 150 to 280 kg, and weight of female is between 120 to 170 kg. Head to body length measures about 160 to 185 cm. The head is short and strong and the ears are long and broad. Legs are strong and high. They have long and broad hooves. Underparts are white or dirty white in color.Males have large antlers, which may grow up to 1 meter in length, and have a crown-like look with the points concentrated near the tips of the arching antler beam. They have a concentration of six to eight points near to the tips. Adult male can have 10 to 15 tinesThe age of sexual maturity is between 2 to 3 years. Breeding season extends from September to April. During this season males attempt to gather harems of up to 30 females. The gestation period is between 240 to 250 days. Male will fight with other males for possession of the harem and the right to breed, and a loud ‘roaring’ call is often heard during this time, as well as a ‘hee-haw’ roar.