I, commit to standing against the practice of dowry in all its forms. Recognizing the harm and inequality perpetuated by dowry, I pledge to: Reject Dowry Practices: Actively oppose the giving or receiving of dowry in any personal or societal context, and challenge any instances of dowry demands that I encounter. Promote Awareness: Educate myself and others about the negative impacts of dowry and advocate for its eradication through discussions, community engagement, and support for organizations working to end dowry-related practices. Support Gender Equality: Work towards creating a society where all individuals are valued equally, regardless of gender. Support initiatives that promote women’s rights and empower individuals to make choices free from financial or societal pressures. Encourage Fair Practices: In any matrimonial arrangements, focus on mutual respect, understanding, and equality rather than materialistic or transactional aspects. Lead by Example: Model and encourage ethical behavior in my own life and within my community, fostering an environment where dowry is neither expected nor accepted. By taking this pledge, I commit to being an agent of change and contributing to a future where dowry is no longer a barrier to fairness and respect in relationships.